20ft DNV Container Case Study

These containers needed to be complete with shelving, electrics and decaled unit/fleet numbers. The full specification is as follows: 6050mm x 2438mm x 2506mm Containers. Gross weight 11,500Kg, Tare (approx 4000 kg), SWL (approx 7500kg). Containers designed, manufactured, tested & certified to DNV2.7-1 off-shore standard / EN12079. Certified and supplied with full certificates. Supplied fully…

20ft Garden Office Container Case Study

Our shipping containers serve all kinds of purposes – from industrial storage and weather-resistant offshore units, to art galleries and laboratories. Sometimes, though, it’s nice to go back to the basics. We received an enquiry for the supply of an ex-shipping container, to be used as extra space in a London back garden. Initially, our…

20ft Generator Housing for Shipping Case Study

A quotation was sent for the unit along with delivery to their location in Colchester. During another call with the customer, it was discussed that Lion Containers are able to carry out various conversion works to shipping containers and retain their CSC validity in order for the container to be allowed on the shipping vessels.…